gnration (multiusos)
Eight years may not seem like a long time to some, but in Nídia's case it feels like a lifetime. Not just because back in 2016 we were still calling her Nídia Minaj, but more importantly because we had yet to hear her debut album, “Nídia é má, Nídia é fudida” — whose title became a cry of self-determination —, and everything that came with it, from critical acclaim to stellar collaborations with the likes of Fever Ray, Kelela, and Elza Soares. With two more albums edited in the meantime, Nídia is undoubtedly one of the most powerful voices in the family of artists recording for Príncipe. And it is not only as a producer that she has made a name for herself. Her DJ sets have also taken her around the world, stirring a whirlwind of euphoric frenzy wherever she goes. On a quest for freedom, especially considering the statement she made with her latest album, “95 MINDJERES”, an explicit reference to the revolutionary struggle in Guinea-Bissau. Let's follow the leader!